July 01, 2019 2 min read
So, what makes a good pair of jeans? Is it the wash? Is it the cut? The brand? How expensive they are? Quick answer, It's a mix of all those things. BUT there is a little secret that most people do not know about their jeans.
Why is it that your butt looks good in your favourite old faithful’s and then you go to get a new pair and suddenly OMG What the hell happened to my bum?!
Possibly, this is because of the "Yoke”. So, what is the yoke? Simply, the yoke of the jeans is what defines your bum. This is what makes or breaks denim, the difference between loving or hating your new jeans. It is the type of stitching on the back of the waistband. There are six types of yokes for jeans.
The Inverted Arch is featured on our bottom lift Raunds Jeans. New London uses the Inverted arch for their bottom lifting range as it gives the illusion of a fuller, plump rump. I will have a pair of these in every colour thanks.
The straight yoke is used on our Nottingham Jeans. Please Note: they are our best sellers. The straight yoke is perfect for people who are fairly straight up & down.
“V” shape yoke is the most common in designer jeans as they look flattering on everyone. The “V” shape gives your bum the natural rise. Unlike some yokes, this yoke can be worn by everyone because it just looks fabulous on all shape and sizes.
Warning, not so great for big bums, but the sweetheart yoke is perfect for enlarging small bums. This cut features the outlines of a heart (hence the name) this exaggerated heart shaped may not be ideal for someone who has a large behind. (Note to the Kardashian clan). but could be a dream come true for someone with a flat bum. A sweetheart yoke works better in tighter jean as the stretch will allow the jeans to shape with your natural figure.
Avoid! Avoid! Avoid! This yoke is only flattering on men. This yoke features pockets that are a lot lower than normal, causing the pants to look saggy or falling down. This is not a look any woman wants to achieve. Thankfully, most designers would never use this yoke on woman’s fashion jeans. However, it is a popular look for designers who target the male youth.
Ever heard of “Mum Jeans”? This type of yoke has been crowned the most conservative of them all as the only shape given to these jeans are through darts. The placement of the rear pockets on these jeans is critical. The wrong placement will give you a saggy bum even the best mum wouldn’t love. However, if you have a large bum and can find a pair with the correct shape and pockets. These could be your most essential item.
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